If you join the KMC Community in Germany, I recommend maintaining an active Facebook presence. It’s a convenient way to stay engaged, social, and informed. The most valuable resources, social activities, and important announcements are regularly shared there.
To help make it easier, I have compiled a list of links to every essential page I could find.
Simply click here.
If nothing else, the following local bloggers are a must-follow! Cumulatively, their pages have more information than you'll ever need! Just be sure to use the search function for information.
It's always a good idea to search first, and then ask questions!
Although Kaiserslautern & Beyond and I have relocated back to the States, our sites remain incredibly useful! Both pages are packed with helpful photos, suggestions, guides, and more. Plus, I will continue to travel and create new blog posts and guides based on my past and future experiences.
Don't skip them!
Am I missing something?
Has a group become inactive?
Please send me an e-mail at: info@allieinwanderland.com